Flange Adapters

High performance, contact-free flange adapters.

By combining standard flanges with our innovative waveguide technology, we can offer a groundbreaking easy-to-mount long life flange adapter – perfect for microwave measurements. Our unique waveguide technology removes the need for both electrical contact and screws. As a result, Gapwaves flange adapters will:

  • Significantly reduce the test time
  • Improve the yield
  • Extend the lifetime of the test interface

Would you like to know more about the benefits of our waveguide flange adapters?

Fast testing and high performance

Our flange adapters are available from 12-140GHz. Each adapter is uniquely sustainable to use in high-speed, high-volume production lines and millimeter wave test laboratories. A perfect flange solution for K-band, E-band, V-band, Ka-band and KU-band.

Customized adapter plates

We can customize adapter plates for integration in production test fixtures upon request. What are your specific needs?

Let us know and we will assist.

Efficient testing
Enabling significant test time reduction and improved yield

Extended lifetime
Reduce test system wear out

Robust interface
Reliable, contact-free transition to test system

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