Extraordinary General Meeting 2022
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Gapwaves AB (publ) will be held on 19 August 2022.
The Board has decided that the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held only by postal voting in accordance with the Swedish Act (2022:121) on temporary exemptions to facilitate the conduct of general and association meetings. This means that the Extraordinary General Meeting will be held without the physical presence of shareholders, proxies or outsiders. Shareholders’ exercise of voting rights at the Extraordinary General Meeting can therefore only take place by shareholders voting by mail in the order prescribed in the notice.
Information on the resolutions passed at the annual general meeting will be disclosed on 19 August 2022, when the outcome of the voting has been confirmed.
Shareholders who wish to attend the meeting must be included in the share register produced by Euroclear Sweden AB on 11 August 2022 and must notify their participation to the company no later than 18 August 2022.
Shareholders represented by proxy shall issue a written, dated power of attorney for the representative.
Postal Voting