The nomination committee in Gapwaves appointed
Gothenburg, October 7th, 2024: The nomination committee for Gapwaves AB's [...]
Gothenburg, October 7th, 2024: The nomination committee for Gapwaves AB's [...]
Gothenburg, September 23rd, 2024: Gapwaves presents today a new generation [...]
Andra kvartalet: 1 April – 30 Juni 2024Nettoomsättningen uppgick till [...]
Second quarter: 1 April – 30 June 2024Net sales amounted [...]
Gapwaves will publish the interim report for the second quarter [...]
Gothenburg, June 28, 2024: Gapwaves has decided to not exercise [...]
Gothenburg, June 13, 2024: Gapwaves and Sensrad have signed a [...]
Gothenburg, June 11, 2024: Gapwaves today announces a new collaboration [...]
Gothenburg, June 7, 2024: The European Tier 1 automotive supplier, [...]
Gothenburg, May 31, 2024: Gapwaves has received funding from Vinnova [...]