Gapwaves receives a new order from HELLA
The project that HELLA orders consists of design/development and production [...]
The project that HELLA orders consists of design/development and production [...]
Projektet som HELLA beställer består av design/utveckling och produktion av [...]
Gapwaves AB has published the Annual Report for 2021. The [...]
Gapwaves AB har publicerat Årsredovisningen för 2021. Årsredovisningen finns tillgänglig [...]
Gapwaves has received a new order for a development project [...]
Gapwaves har erhållit en ny order på ett utvecklingsprojekt från [...]
Aktieägarna i Gapwaves AB (publ), 556840-2829, (”Gapwaves” eller ”Bolaget”) [...]
Aktieägarna i Gapwaves AB (publ), 556840-2829, (”Gapwaves” eller ”Bolaget”) [...]
The Board of Directors has appointed Jonas Ehinger as new [...]
Gapwaves operations continue to develop positively and sales for the [...]