E-band Bandpass Waveguide Filters

Low loss mmWave filters with ultra-thin, compact design.

We create unique E-band waveguide bandpass filters for integration in telecommunication and radar products, as well as labs and production facilities. Thanks to Gapwaves’ innovative technology, we can offer high performance in an ultra-thin compact design. Our waveguide filters are sustainable, cost-effective and perfect for integration in next generation E-band products. Do you want to know more about our mmWave filters and waveguide components?

High Q factor and low loss

Our standard filters are available in versions with passbands of 71-76 GHz, 76-81 GHz and 81-86 GHz. The high Q allows an insertion loss lower than 0.65 dB with a rejection more than 60 dB at 81 GHz for the 71-76 GHz filter. Inband ripple is typically 0.1 dB with a return loss of 17 dB.

What are your needs?

We can custom design filters with different rejection, passbands, waveguide diplexers and notches upon request. Are you in the need of tailor made notch filters? Let us know and we will assist.

Gapwaves Waveguide Filters:

  • Ultra-thin compact design
  • Low insertion loss
  • High rejection
  • Market leading price-performance


  • E-band backhaul radio links
  • Radar systems
  • Test system instrumentation labs and production facilities

Do you want to know more?